April 7, 2012

i took photos

I took them pastel and dreamy.


  1. Hello Claudia, I notice that you deleted your past post, I'm sorry to be busy-body or anything, I used to 'visit' your blog like very often :P
    So, I'm wondering what's happening with you? You're in Shah Alam right? Tweet me or anything :)

  2. Hello! :) Frankly, I have no idea why I deleted my posts. Idk, wanna start with clean slate perhaps. Haha. Yup, I'm Shah Alam. I don't have a twitter. :( But I'll try to figure out something okay. Hehe. :D

  3. Sadly I don't have FB -.- yeah, but say Hi to me if you see me :D I'll do the same :) Have a nice day!

  4. Really? Alaaa. :( Okay, will do! :) But I'm at Intec, not at the Main Cam. What is your course actually?

  5. I know, you're Fac of Edu right? Sec.17? I'm at the main cam, Fac of Computer Science and Mathematics, I'm taking Pure Maths BTW :) Are you a Catholic?

  6. yup, i'm taking tesl. noo i am not. i'm actually muslim. haha. i know my now my name is claudia but i am muslim. hehe. :)

  7. These are really lovely. You seem to have a soft spot for pastels. x


Hey, ♥!